October 2011

The Subtle Lawyer Bio Tweak that Sets You Apart

If your bio reads just like all of your competitors’, you’re squandering a critical legal marketing opportunity to distinguish yourself and to build rapport with your prospective clients and referral sources. And rapport matters a lot. Why? Because when technical competence is perceived as equivalent among potential service providers, people …Read More

5 Things Lawyers Can Learn from Steve Jobs

5 Things Lawyers can learn from Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was known for many things – but one of the most striking to me was his ability to capture the attention of an audience, keep them tuned in to his message and take action. These are precisely the skills we …Read More

How and Why to Push Back on Scheduling Requests

When you’re on trial or your vacation’s booked, and someone wants to schedule a meeting with you, what happens?  You offer times that do not conflict with these non-negotiable commitments.   How about when opposing counsel or a key client presses you to meet on a day you’re already committed to …Read More

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